Triangle Shelf Set
This set of three triangle shelves make for an interesting display that can hold any size items. They can be arranged together or separately, and work well in any room of the house. They also stack inside of each other for each storage when not in use.
The stats:
- Each shelf is built from pine and finished in the stain of your choice. The one in the photo is early american.
The shelves are 15"x3", 12"x3", and 9"x3", and weigh about 5 pounds altogether.
Each shelf includes a hanger that is unattached so you can decide which way you'd like to hang it. You can also hang the shelf from a nail instead of using the hanger.
- This item is made to order and may take up to 2 weeks for construction.
- Due to the characteristics of the wood, yours might not match the photo exactly.

Triangle Shelf Set